Read: New campaign will highlight social and economic impact of universities

A new campaign was launched today that will shine a spotlight on the vital role universities play in improving standards in schools and driving economic growth in their local areas.

Raising Standards, Creating Opportunities is an advocacy campaign that aims to highlight the work of Purpose University Coalition members across the country who play a crucial role as anchor institutions in the areas they serve. It is part of a wider campaign that will see cross-party political engagement with Ministers, MPs and Shadow Ministers in each of the devolved nations. The campaign will also bring universities together with leading employers in the private and public sectors to drive thought leadership, share best practice and develop working relationships that will drive positive impact for students. 

Chair of the Purpose Coalition and former Education Secretary, Justine Greening, said: “We have been working with each of our member universities to assess their social impact and to explore ways they can go even further in making a difference. It’s clear from that work just how integral they are to delivering equality of opportunity across the country, often in some of our most disadvantaged communities. 

“It starts with their work upstream, going into primary and secondary schools to build relationships with young people, many of whom have no family experience and little knowledge of university. They provide information about the opportunities that going to university can bring and advice on what they need to get there. They are also playing an important part in encouraging more young people to take STEM subjects. It means that whatever their backgrounds, young people with potential can make positive choices that will improve their life chances.

“The campaign will also focus on how these universities drive economic growth in their local areas as anchor institutions. They build on the work they do in schools to produce a talent pipeline that supplies graduates with the skills that employers need for new green and high tech jobs. Their research departments are centres of excellence, attracting investment and expertise from around the world. They provide employment for local people and their procurement practices help to sustain the local economy. Using partnerships with local stakeholders and the knowledge and understanding they have of their communities, they are able to engage and support those with least advantage.

“It’s very clear that our purpose led universities make a significant contribution to their local areas, identifying those furthest away from a level playing field and developing strategies to help them thrive. Alongside businesses, public sector and third sector organisations, they should be a key part of the solution in delivering equality of opportunity. This campaign aims to ensure that their work on social mobility propels real change for students.”   

The campaign will include a series of events for current and future policymakers demonstrating how Purpose University Coalition members are raising standards and driving economic growth in the areas they serve as well as highlighting specific key policy objectives. Details of these, starting with a launch in Parliament, will be available over the coming months.

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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