Education The Purpose Coalition Education The Purpose Coalition

Recognising universities’ opportunity footprints can help turbocharge change

Higher education is a gateway to opportunity. It certainly opened doors for me that I would never have been able to walk through without it. It’s the same for millions of other people whose lives have been transformed by going to university, and it’s why thousands of pupils will be working so hard this summer to get the A Level results they need so that they can also reap the rewards our world class higher education system has to offer.

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Education The Purpose Coalition Education The Purpose Coalition

Breaking Down Barriers Commission announces strategic partnership with further education providers to tackle inequality

A collaboration with London’s largest further education provider, Capital City College Group, and leading countrywide college group, NCG, will explore ways in which they can make a difference for their students, staff and the communities they serve while leveraging their sector leads.

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Education The Rt Hon Justine Greening Education The Rt Hon Justine Greening

Read: We must make space for applied learning in the curriculum

This country has always had an academically-driven education system and our political debate continues to centre around that. But in recent years, an increasing focus on skills, apprenticeships and technical education demonstrates a broader truth that applied learning matters, and it matters across the whole of education.

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Education The Purpose Coalition Education The Purpose Coalition

Read: The power of place-based organisations – driving social mobility in the regions

Newcastle and Northumbria Universities have joined forces to address the social and economic disparities that are prevalent in the North East of England. Their Vice-Chancellors, Professor Chris Day CBE and Professor Andy Long FREng, discuss the Collaborative Newcastle Universities Agreement (CNUA), and why they believe the role of universities as place-based drivers of social mobility and inclusive and sustainable economic growth in their cities and regions is more important than ever before.

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Education, Business The Purpose Coalition Education, Business The Purpose Coalition

Read: The transformation of place through partnership - how Durham University is bringing opportunity to the North East

The best place-based organisations forge strategic partnerships that drive economic growth in their local areas. Universities are playing an increasingly important part of that coalition of the willing, collaborating with other local bodies to deliver opportunity.

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Business, Education The Purpose Coalition Business, Education The Purpose Coalition

Read: LPC 23: Driving innovation in the manufacturing economy - a Derby case study

Britain has a long-standing manufacturing economy which has driven world-class innovation and design. As technological change continues at pace, it is more important than ever that we have the skills that will enable us to take advantage of that, while at the same time delivering opportunity to individuals and communities across the country.

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