Read: Cardiff Metropolitan University launches new report highlighting social impact

Cardiff Met University has launched a new report that sets out its social impact on its communities, staff and students. 

Published by the Purpose Coalition, the Impact Report maps the social impact of the university against a set of goals launched last year by former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening - the Purpose Goals.

The Purpose Goals are a leading framework designed to focus efforts on driving equality of opportunity at key life stages.

As part of the launch Greening visited Cardiff Met University, seeing first hand the impact on show in the report and speaking to staff and students. 

The report highlights a number of key strengths that put Cardiff Met at the forefront of the purpose agenda. These include:

  • Successful School Years - Cardiff Met is the largest provider of teacher training in Wales and has various outreach programmes to help with attainment and raise aspirations. Its largest outreach programme, Open Campus, opens the university’s sporting facilities, coaching, nutrition and wellbeing support to over 11,000 children every year by promoting sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing to schools from some of the most deprived areas of south-east Wales.

  • Positive Destinations Post 16+ - the University has a wide range of activities around widening access and inclusion, ensuring that those furthest from opportunity are given a chance to enter higher education.

  • Right Advice and Experiences - work experience and placements are an integral part of Cardiff Met University. Through the delivery of ‘Cardiff Met EDGE’ - all students develop ethical, digital, global and entrepreneurial skills.

Cardiff Met University is part of a pioneering group of UK universities, businesses and public sector organisations - The Purpose Coalition - aiming to set a new and higher standard on boosting social mobility in the UK.

President and Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff Met, Professor Cara Aitchison said: “Our students and staff play a critical role in positively shaping society locally, nationally and globally and we are delighted to have launched this new report which clearly demonstrates the strength of our social impact.

“The role of education will be of the utmost importance as we rebuild society in the post-Covid era. Not only will it upskill the workforce and provide the researchers and entrepreneurs to tackle the ‘wicked challenges’, it will build resilient bridges and bonds to establish a world that is more prosperous, greener and, most importantly, fairer for all.”

Justine Greening added: “Cardiff Met’s Impact Report shows the wide range of activities the University is undertaking that are having a positive impact on its students, staff and local communities. Through initiatives such as Open Campus, not only is Cardiff Met raising aspirations for those furthest from opportunity but it is using sport to improve the health and wellbeing of children in local communities. 

“Anchor institutions, such as universities, have an absolutely crucial role to play in extending opportunities to those that need most. Cardiff Met University, under the leadership of Professor Cara Aitchison, is committed to this role and spreading opportunity throughout society.”

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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