Read: Make Happen launches Levelling Up Action Plan

Make Happen, the Essex Uni Connect partnership, has launched a Levelling Up Action Plan to boost opportunities across the county and beyond. 

In partnership with former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening, Make Happen has developed an ambitious plan to continue its work to spread opportunities evenly.

The Levelling Up Action Plan highlights a number of areas where Make Happen is leading the way in levelling up. This includes its partnership work with schools, colleges, universities and local authorities to reach those groups furthest away from a level playing field when it comes to opportunities to enter higher education. 

Importantly it also outlines the next steps that Make Happen will take to go even further in its work. The programme is committed to strengthening its local partnerships and leading the way in the measurement of social mobility work. 

Funded by the Office for Students, the Uni Connect programme consists of 29 regional partnerships across the country and aims to increase the number of young people from underrepresented groups who progress to higher education. 

Make Happen currently engages with more than 70 schools and colleges across Essex and since the start of the programme nearly 90,000 students have taken part in it.

Stephen Pomfret, Head of Make Happen, said: “Our sole purpose is to level up opportunities for the least represented student groups across Essex. This Action Plan sets out our continued commitment to work with our dedicated partners, the University of Essex being the lead institution among them, to raise students’ aspirations, promote their interest in higher education, and help them achieve their life ambitions – no matter what barriers may be in their way.”

Justine Greening commented: “It’s great to be able to launch Make Happen’s ambitious Levelling Up Action Plan and celebrate some of the brilliant work that is happening. The programme’s intuitive and adaptable approach, developed in conjunction with, and as a result of, its broad range of local and regional partnerships, is making a real difference to levelling up in Essex.

“Make Happen has become a trusted agent in building up social capital for young people, improving choices post 16 and offering invaluable advice and experiences. What it needs now is long term backing to allow its work to be embedded still further and continue to bring opportunity to young people across the region.”

The full Levelling Up Action Plan can be read here:


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