Watch: Justine Greening talks Leonardo’s new Newcastle base on ITV News

Studio Anchors, ITV News:

A new site that makes the computer systems in military helicopters and fighter jets has opened in Newcastle today. The company Leonardo says the Defence Technology Research Centre will create 200 new jobs. They're already working with North East universities and colleges and say they want to hire regional talent. Katie Cole reports.

Katie Cole, ITV News:

Made and designed in the UK and sold around the world, the North East now playing a leading role in the technology that make them fly. Aerospace company Leonardo has today moved into the city centre's Helix district, one of its 200 new recruits, this Newcastle University graduate.

Mark Turner, Newcastle University Graduate:

The North East, I wouldn't say it's got loads of opportunities for electronic engineering, it's got some but none as exciting as Leonardo. Leonardo is probably the most exciting company to work for in the North East.

Katie Cole:

Designing and creating the software for the next generation of fighter jets is also on this company's to-do list. Its team in Newcastle will work with companies in Japan and Italy on this decade-long project.

Mark Turner:

I want to look back on my career and ask myself, well, did I make a difference and am I proud of what I actually did? Hopefully when I see the next generation fighter flying, I can look up and say, yeah, I had a part to play in that.

Katie Cole:

Earlier this year we filmed with former apprentices from Gateshead College who worked with Leonardo to build parts for this helicopter. The company want to build on that and work with our region's schools and universities.

Clive Higgins, Leonardo:

There's a huge bedrock of skills, talent in the supply chain. There's many organisations that we currently work with, but that collaboration with the university and the community really does allow us to invest in skills and people.

Katie Cole:

The company are also part of an organisation set up by this former education secretary which aims to break down gender and social barriers.

Justine Greening, Purpose Coalition:

The key thing for me is it's going to be doing it in a way that really opens up those opportunities to a whole community. Over time, working with the University of Newcastle, working with schools, on literally creating a talent pipeline so that people in this region will literally think, right, that's where I want to go and I know how and what I need to do to be able to get the sorts of opportunities that a big company like Leonardo is already creating here.

Katie Cole:

200 high-tech jobs for Newcastle, a city about to play its part in creating the next generation of military technology. Katie Cole, ITV News.

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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