Watch: Good Health & Well-being with Reed in Partnership

In our latest seminar we discuss Levelling Up Goal 8: Good health and well-being with with Reed in Partnership, brilliantly chaired by Iain Dale.

On the panel:

Rt Hon Justine Greening - Chair, Purpose Coalition

Rhodri Thomas - Managing Director, Reed in Partnership

Donna Murrell - Operations Director, Reed in Partnership

Robbie Moore MP - Conservative Member of Parliament for Keighley & Ilkley & Parliamentary Chair of the Levelling Up Goals Taskforce

Danny Davis

Danny is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and the Centre for Progressive Purpose, shaping the future of the purpose agenda under a future Labour government. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party. At This Is Purpose Danny leads our work with our corporate members.


Watch: Justine speaks to Sky News about the Levelling Up White Paper


Watch: York St John University launch their Impact Report