Read: Seminar series drives levelling up agenda

Ensuring that the energy transition is fair and creates opportunities was the latest topic for discussion at a seminar series launching a new architecture for levelling up Britain. 

Earlier this year a set of 14 Levelling Up Goals were launched by the Social Mobility Pledge,  a coalition of businesses and universities campaigning for greater social mobility, to galvanise efforts to reduce inequality.

The goals are being launched with a seminar series where each individual session focuses on a different one of the 14 goals. The seminars are hosted by one of the Social Mobility Pledge partners with a panel discussion featuring businesses and MPs.

Harness the energy transition was the latest of the goals to be discussed at a virtual seminar. The session was hosted by broadcaster Iain Dale and University of Northampton Vice Chancellor Nick Petford and Northumberland County Councillor, Karen Quinn. Panellists included Guy Opperman MP, Nigel Fenn MBE from Pennon Group, Randolph Brazier from the Energy Networks Association and the University of Northampton’s Professor Jeff Ollerton and Victoria Blake. 

The Social Mobility Pledge co-founder the Rt Hon Justine Greening, a former Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities, said: “Even before this dreadful pandemic, the UK had a lot of ground to make up in addressing social mobility and inequality of opportunity. Disadvantaged groups have been hit hardest by this disease and we must redouble our efforts if we are not to go backwards.

“Harnessing the energy transition is a key component of the levelling up the agenda. It’s great to see the University of Northampton, among others, leading from the front in our efforts to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

“The Levelling Up Goals are designed to provide standards against which we can measure ourselves and track our future progress in driving real, targeted change on the ground. The 14 goals transcend political divides and can be supported by all political parties.’’

For more details on the series of seminars on the 14 Levelling Up Goals visit:  

Head over to our Engage page to watch the seminar.

Danny Davis

Danny is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and the Centre for Progressive Purpose, shaping the future of the purpose agenda under a future Labour government. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party. At This Is Purpose Danny leads our work with our corporate members.


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