Read: New data highlights the urgency of the health community coming together to tackle waiting lists. 

New statistics have shone a spotlight on the urgency of tackling NHS waiting lists - with more than half of people who died in England last year on an NHS waiting list. 

An estimated 340,000 people died whilst on a waiting list in 2022, compared to 240,000 in 2017 - a 42 per cent rise, which represents more than 60 per cent of all deaths in England. 

The data highlights the urgent need for the whole ‘health community’ to come together to tackle waiting lists, and get patients the care they need, as quickly as possible. Doing so means longer, healthier lives for people across the country - especially those in the most disadvantaged communities. 

There are currently 7 million people in Britain today on an NHS waiting lists, with 371,000 people waiting more than a year to be seen. Polling also shows that only 29% of people are currently satisfied with healthcare services. 

Responding to the findings, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting said “Record numbers of people are spending their final months in agony, waiting for treatment that never arrives. The basic promise of the NHS — that it will be there for us when we need it — has been broken.”

The Health Community Campaign, Chaired by former Public Health Minister Rt Hon Anne Milton aims to put patients first, by utilising the whole healthcare sector - public and private - to get patients the care they need, now. 

In early 2024, the campaign will launch its State of the Nation report with senior MPs in Parliament, bringing together best practice from healthcare organisations across the country to develop innovative solutions to cut waiting lists and tackle health inequalities. 

Find out more about the campaign at

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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